As a photographer I'm always searching and exploring, finding ways to express something without words. I started early on as a street photographer, capturing the rich tapestry of New York City. I've spent quite a number of years doing performance photography for various theatre and dance companies, as well as The Watermill Center. Photography became about capturing moments, stopping time at a particularly expressive, dramatic, beautiful or meaningful instant. 

My approach as an Artist is to find and express the varied dimensions of the human experience of the world, be it spiritual, sensual, hedonistic, transcendent, psychological, mystical,  mythic…. the list is endless. But as I said, it's an exploration, a journey of sorts. When I shoot, it's really intuitive and fluid. It's not really a conscious act, but more like and improvised dance or musical piece.


Besides my personal explorations, here’s a partial list of some whom I’ve shot for and where my photos have appeared:

The Southampton Press, Sag Harbor Express, The Independent,, the NY Times, Dan’s Papers, The Hampton Theatre Company, The Watermill Center, (A number of my photos were featured in the book “The Watermill Center: a Laboratory for Performance” as well as one of their benefit catalogues), The Parrish Art Museum, Guild Hall and director Stephen Hamilton, The Neo-Political Cowgirls, The Southampton Arts Center, The International Center for Photography, Studio tours for The New York Foundation for the Arts,  Art Southampton, Art Hamptons, Center Stage at the Southampton Cultural Center, Via Brooklyn Theatre Company, The RJD Gallery, The Young Artists and Writers Program at Stony Brook Southampton, The White Room Gallery, The Tulla Booth Gallery, Ashawagh Hall, The Coalition for Women’s Cancers and Lucia’s Angels, Compass, Stony Hill Stables, TWYLA, Our Fabulous Variety Show, The Long House, producer Eugene Pack, (Celebrity Autobiography, etc,), Southampton Players, and numerous performers and artists.